December 17, 2021

Guide to Sugar Wih Cononut Sugar Keto and More

You’ve undoubtedly heard a lot about coco sugar and how it’s healthier than cane sugar or so-called healthier substitutes like agave syrup. Is coconut sugar, on the other hand, keto and suitable for you? What about sugar alternatives that don’t contain as much sugar?

Sugar is to blame for many health issues, including heart disease, overweight, and diabetes. Unfortunately, hidden sugars in prepackaged meals, peanut butter, frozen entrees, and marinara sauce make it more difficult to avoid sugar.

The thought of saying goodbye to all kinds of sugar may be intimidating for keto dieters with such a sweet taste. Fortunately, there are a variety of low-carb and reduced sweets available that are healthier alternatives to sugar.

When you want sugar and need a sweet treat, you need something that won’t throw you out of keto or cause stomach problems. Many sweeteners claim to be healthful, yet they have a long list of negative side effects.

Here’s a comprehensive list of the best sugar replacements for keto. You’ll discover the finest keto sweets on the market, as well as sugar substitutes to avoid.

Why Isn’t Sugar Low-Carb?

coconut sugar keto
coconut sugar keto

Sugars are a kind of carbohydrate that provides energy to your body.

Artificial & natural sugars are also available. .

Sugar increases your sugar levels and causes your cells to run on glucose, which will knock you out of ketosis.

Would you please ensure there are no secret carbohydrates in the sweetener if you’re searching for a lower-fat alternative? Keep in mind that just because something is sugar-free doesn’t mean it won’t have an impact on your insulin levels.

Sugars in Food vs. Sugars in Your Kitchen

They are classified as follows:



  • Sucrose is a kind of table sugar that contains both glucose and fructose. Honey, fruit, and vegetables contain fructose and glucose, respectively.

Sugars in your kitchen cabinet are the ones you will be most worried about. Granulated sugar, softened butter, frOsting sugar, and corn syrup are all examples of these sugars.

Sugar contains 773 calories per cup (or 200 grams), with 200 grams of carbs. Keep in mind that the dish includes no fiber. Therefore the actual gross carb amount is 200 grams.

Sugar Substitutes that are Low-Carb

The great news is that low-carb sugar alternatives with fewer calories and carbs are plentiful. Stevia or monk fruit are two of the best alternatives.


For a good reason, stevia is among the most popular sugar substitutes.

According to randomized controlled studies, stevia, unlike sugar, has little impact on blood glucose, diabetes, blood pressure, and weight [*]. In addition, it has no calories or carbohydrates.

Fruits of the Monks

Monk fruit s a Chinese and Thai fruit that is 250 times sweeter than sugar. It contains no calories, net carbohydrates, or blood sugar spikes.

Mogrosides are the compounds in monk fruit that give it its remarkable sweetness. Mogrosides are antioxidants that combat free radicals and reduce inflammation[*].

Monk fruit sweeteners, like stevia, may include dextrose or xanthan gum, so read the labels carefully.

Sugar Substitutes that are Acceptable on the Keto Diet

Other sugar replacements may not be as effective as stevia and monk fruit, but they are still preferable to blood-sugar-spiking sucrose and honey.


Tagatose resembles erythritol or table sugar in flavor.

It has a little impact on blood sugar levels, much as other low-carb sweeteners.


If the erythritol is non-GMO erythritol, it may be a good low-carb sugar replacement. Erythritol is a zero-calorie sweeten that’s often mixed with other sugar alternatives. Erythritol is the main component in Truvia, a popular zero-calorie sweetener.

Watermelon, grapes, pear, mushrooms, and many fermented foods contain erythritol, sugar alcohol. Manufacturers are fermenting glucose using Moniliella pollinia yeast, and it’s becoming a widespread artificial product.

Sorbitol, tom yum, maltitol, mannitol, or aspartame are just a few examples of sugar alcohols (usually found in Equal). These aren’t keto-friendly since they’ve been connected to a slew of health problems.

Natural Sugar Substitutes Aren’t Allowed on Keto.

The keto diet forbids several ostensibly “healthy” sugar substitutes. This is related to the overall amount of carbs in the diet.

Despite being healthier than normal table sugar, they induce a blood sugar rise, which is exactly what you want to avoid on keto.

Honey in its purest form

Syrup of maple

It’s chock-full of antioxidants (the darker this same syrup, the more antioxidants there are)[*].

A single tablespoon of peanut butter has 50 calories and 13.4 grams of carbohydrates[*].

While this won’t exhaust your daily carb allowance, it’s not a good idea to consume maple syrup since you might be obtaining those carbohydrates from more nutritious foods.

Agave nectar is a kind of agave nectar that comes from the

Palm Sugar from Coconuts

It resembles brown sugar in appearance, but the texture is somewhat grainier. It has a low glycemic index, similar to agave, although it contains less sugar.

Is coconut sugar a keto-friendly sweetener? It has 15 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrates per teaspoon, which are sugar[*].

To Avoid: Sugar Alcohols and Sugar Substitutes

It’s time to study additional sweeteners now that you know whether coconut sugar is keto.


Sucralose, popularly known as Splenda, is the most commonly used artificial sweetener in the United States. Sucralose, however, has been linked to inflammation and a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut[*].

Low & Sweet

Despite early research showing a link between saccharin and cancer, the FDA has classified the sweetener as “generally regarded as safe.”

Saccharin was related to bladder cancer in 1970s laboratory rats studies. In humans, however, no such connection has been discovered[*].


Another sugar alcoholic naturally found in certain fruits and vegetables’ fibers is xylitol. Xylitol, unlike erythritol, may increase blood sugar levels that are not keto-friendly.

With around 10 calories and 4 grams of carbs in each serving (or one teaspoon), xylitol has a little higher carb content than other low-carb sweeteners[*]. One advantage is that xylitol may help to prevent cavities and enhance dental health.

Corn Syrup (High Fructose)

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is fructose and glucose-based liquid sweetener. High fructose corn syrup provides no more health advantages than normal table sugar and is much more dangerous[*], with 53.4 calories and 14.4 grams of carbohydrates in a single tablespoon.

Brown sugar, often known as raw sugar, is white sugar that hasn’t been fully refined and contains around 5-10% molasses[*].

Is Coconut Sugar a Keto-Friendly Sweetener? No, but there are other options available to you.

When it comes to sugar replacements, choose a low-calorie, low-carb one that won’t harm your health.

Choose a low-glycemic-index sweetener that is both natural and lightly processed.

There are plenty of recipes that use keto-friendly sweeteners. Check out these simple keto recipes for more ideas on including these healthier sugar alternatives into your low-carb diet.